2024 - Term 1, Week 3

Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to our first newsletter for 2024.
Welcome to a new school year, dear families, both new and existing! As we embark on this journey together, we extend a warm embrace to those joining our community for the first time and a heartfelt welcome back to those who have been with us before. This year promises to be filled with exciting opportunities for growth, learning, and connection. Whether you're navigating school life for the first time or returning with familiar faces, know that you are an integral part of our school family. Let's embrace each other's uniqueness, support one another's endeavours, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Together, we'll make this school year one of inspiration, collaboration, and success. Here's to the adventures that await us!
Embarking on a new school year…
As we embark on a new school year we gathered as a whole staff and reflected on the story of the Road to Emmaus and reminded ourselves of how it sits at the centre of all we do, all we aspire to, and all as a staff, we strive towards. We reflected on the story of the Road to Emmaus and considered how its lessons resonate with our lives today. Here are some of the points that together, pondered on as we strive to live and breathe the essence of this story at Emmaus:
Faith and Belief in Goodness: Let us hold onto the belief that there is goodness in each person, just as the disciples trusted the stranger on the road. Having faith in the inherent goodness of others can lead us to remarkable encounters and connections.
Accepting Our Humanness: We are not perfect, and that's okay. Like the disciples who didn't recognise Jesus at first, our imperfections remind us of our shared humanity. When we make mistakes, let's acknowledge them, restore what we can, learn from them, and move forward with the intention to do better next time.
Kindness Matters: The disciples extended kindness to the stranger without hesitation. Let's follow their example by being kind to one another and remembering to extend that kindness to ourselves. By filling our own buckets, we can better support and uplift others in our community.
Openness and Welcoming Spirit: Just as the disciples sought camaraderie on their journey, let's cultivate an environment of openness and welcome for all. It's our collective responsibility to reflect this spirit throughout our community, fostering connections and belonging.
Embracing Diversity: The stranger on the road may have seemed different, but the disciples embraced him nonetheless. Let's celebrate the diversity of experiences, wisdom, and stories within our community, recognising that it enriches us all.
Seeking and Listening to Different Perspectives: We can expand our horizons by seeking out and listening to diverse perspectives. Just as the disciples listened to the story the stranger told, let's make space to listen to children, parents, colleagues, and anyone whose voice may offer a valuable perspective.
As we integrate these principles into our daily lives, may we find deeper meaning and connection in our journey together.
2024 the Year of New Possibilities and Big Dreams
As I visit the classrooms and chat with children at play, I have discovered some of the things they are looking forward to this year:
- Basketball on the new court surface
- Sports lessons with Mr Niederer
- Music with Mrs Buckley and dance club with Miss Richardson
- Indonesian Lunch Club with Pak Jordan
- Learning new things and achieving goals
- Becoming a Dog Ambassador
- Celebrating Miss Molly’s first birthday
- Engaging in Enrichment@Emmaus programs
- Playing with our friends and making new ones
- Participating in Children’s University
- Gardening Club with Lou, Don and Kerri
- Learning an instrument and playing in ensembles, and of course,
- Sports Day
Last Wednesday I had the privilege of attending the Cardijn College Dux Ceremony. The 2023 School Captains, old scholars of Emmaus, Aden Croser and Alexandra Meneses, along with Kahlia Taylor and Angela Trentin were honoured for their achievement of ATAR scores over 85. Aden also achieved a Merit in Integrated Learning (Religious Education). I felt privileged to be a part of this ceremony and was in absolute awe of these highly articulate and mature young adults.
They mentioned how Emmaus shaped them into who they are today and set them up for success at secondary school. We can’t wait to hear what future endeavours they pursue as they move beyond the Cardijn school gates and enter the adult world of higher education and work.
First School Assembly
Last Friday we hosted our first official assembly for 2024. Our hosts, Lucas, Oliver, Catalaya and Holly presented with confidence; they were articulate, calm and well organised. Given this was their first big assembly, they did a brilliant job, as did all our Senior students. We are lucky to have such a wonderful group of leaders in our school. This gives our younger student some great role models to emulate. We look forward to offering more students the opportunity to host and present so they too become at ease in these situations. Public speaking is one of those skills that only becomes easier with practice; therefore, providing as many of these opportunities as possible is important. We also love having many parents attend, building and nurturing community at Emmaus!
Emmaus Learning Nest - Occasional Care
Emmaus Catholic School continues to offer Occasional Care during the school term on Wednesday and Friday afternoons from 12noon until 3pm. Our aim is to offer a home away from home environment, a safe, gentle and nurturing space for children to experience new opportunities, to play alongside other children, to learn about, and notice the awe and wonder in our world.
Please ring through to our friendly office staff or speak to Wendy Moulder to book in!
Farewell Joy Saba
It is with mixed emotions that we bid farewell to our cherished colleague and friend, Joy Saba. Joy has been an integral part of our team, providing unwavering support to families, children, and colleagues alike. Her dedication and passion for making a positive impact have left an indelible mark on all of us.
Joy's commitment to creating a supportive environment for families and children has been truly commendable. Her empathy, compassion, and tireless efforts have made a significant difference in the lives of those she has touched. Whether working with families in need, running friendship and Lego clubs, greeting anxious children in the carpark with her purple puppet friend, or offering a listening ear to colleagues, Joy's presence has been truly appreciated by all.
As Joy embarks on new adventures, we want to take this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude for her invaluable contributions to our school. I am sure that she will bring the same passion and dedication to her future endeavours.
While we will miss her dearly, we are excited for the opportunities and experiences that lie ahead for her. Please join us in wishing Joy all the success and fulfillment in the exciting journey that awaits her.
Thank you
Thank you for a wonderful first week of 2024. Your enthusiasm and positivity and contributions to creating a beautiful school culture is appreciated by staff and benefits all who are part of this community. We look forward to working with you closely this year and supporting your children to thrive.
With love and kindness,
Suzanne Budd

Welcome back to this special place of learning, of community and of faith. As each new year begins, we all start thinking about the new possibilities of a fresh start. Many set ‘New Year’s Resolutions’ and plan to do things differently. With a new also to the thoughts of others who have travelled the path of faith. Do I listen for God’s message when I hear or read the bible?
What will you do this year to strengthen your faith? The important thing to do is- do something! If we consciously do nothing to contribute to our spiritual growth, we are missing out on fully understanding ourselves and our relationship with God and with Creation.
Those who are too busy and too stressed to do this- are in the greatest need for peace and happiness! Let this year be the year for change!
God loves us unconditionally and wants us to be ‘whole.’ Being ‘whole’ means to live fully, connected to all things. This is where we find our true happiness.
“Then Jesus was led by the Spirit out into the wilderness…He fasted for forty days and forty nights…” (Matthew 4: 1-2)
The season of Lent is upon us. This is the most important season on our Catholic Liturgical Calendar. It is a time for us to fully accept our brokenness and our weaknesses and ask God to guide and strengthen us for the journey God has planned for each one of us. It is a solemn time of reflection, renewal and change.
Above is a short passage from a Gospel reading which is read during Lent. It reminds us of Jesus’ time ‘in the wilderness’- the origins of the forty days of Lent before Easter. Jesus often went away alone because it is only through prayer and contemplation that we can build our relationship with God. But notice who led Jesus into the wilderness…. ‘to, and assisting in events for Caritas’ Project Compassion is one way of making this commitment. There may also be ways we can live more sustainably to care for the environment and others.
The Project Compassion theme reminds us that what we do today can have an impact for all future generations. This message invites us to step up for those who do not have the essential resources they need for their survival and those whose needs at this time are far beyond ours. By putting compassion into action, we can make a difference today, for all future generations.
Your child will be bringing home a Project Compassion donation box. Funds collected go to long-term integral human development programs and emergency relief programs.
Your generous support can help change lives today – and For All Future Generations
We warmly invite our year 3-6 students who have completed their Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Reconciliation, Confirmation and first Holy Communion) to join our Altar Serving Team. The team will be trained over a few training sessions led by a parent volunteer and Fr. Christopher, then will take turns Altar Serving at our Thursday morning Masses. Being an Altar Server is a wonderful way to learn more about Holy Mass, to participate more deeply, to serve God and our school community and be an example of Discipleship. If parents or students wish to know more or become involved, please speak with Mrs Raponi or complete the form from the Front Office.
Justine Raponi
Acting REC (Religious Education Coordinator)

Dear all,
The Mary Help of Christians Parish have shared some initial information regarding their 2024 Sacramental Program. Dates are to be advised, but if you are interested in your child completing the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation this year, please look at the information provided. The Sacramental Program is open to children 7 years and older who have been Baptised. If you have any questions, these can be directed to Fr Christopher on 8326 1555 or you are also welcome to email me on jraponi@emmaus.catholic.edu.au

It hard to believe that after 7 years at Emmaus it’s time to say goodbye. After a combined time of 16 years in the school chaplaincy space, it’s time to say hello to retirement.
When I came to this school, it was in response to a strong feeling that God was calling me to work in a Catholic School, and working at Emmaus felt like I was in exactly the right place. Although I am sad to leave, I now feel that same prodding to move on to my next season.
Chaplaincy is not religious education, it’s a ministry of presence, so actually it can be anything that helps people feel validated, unconditionally loved, feel belonging, feel hopeful and feel empowered. Basically, it’s walking alongside people and meeting them wherever they are at.
It has been a pleasure and a privilege to work at Emmaus and walk alongside you - some for but a moment: some for a whole journey of primary school. I’m in awe of the courage and tenacity I’ve witnessed when life throws curve balls, and the wonderful, cheeky and honest little characters who’ve spent time in my room. I will miss all that.
And to the Emmaus staff, past and present – thank you for being shining lights in education and being great team players. Thank you for your friendship and support.
My next plan is to spend more time with my family, especially my parents who are not getting any younger, to travel and have more choice in how I spend my days. Being a person who thrives on structure I’m a little concerned I might get bored, so perhaps like many people, my “retirement” might be more of a “career break”! For the next few years though, my husband Charlie and I have taken on the volunteer role of Australian Leaders for Worldwide Marriage Encounter, a Catholic group we have been involved with for 30 years, whose focus is to support couples in their relationships and teach them better ways of communicating. If you’re interested check out https://www.wwme.org.au/services
They say once you’ve worked at Emmaus you’re always part of the family so, I guess I’ll see you later!
Take care
Joy Saba

The Power of Music in Schools
In the world of education, music plays a big role in helping kids grow. It's not just about playing instruments; it's like a secret ingredient that makes learning and life better. Let's talk about music in schools and how you, as parents, can support your child's musical journey.
Why music?
Learning music isn't just about playing tunes. Studies say it helps with thinking, remembering things, and solving problems. When kids learn music, their brains are getting a good workout, and it helps them to do better in other areas including numeracy and literacy.
Friends and teamwork:
Music is like a team sport. Playing in a group teaches students how to work together, talk to each other, and be responsible. Whether it's a band or a choir, the teamwork they learn through music helps them in lots of ways.
Easy tips for parents
How can you support your child's musical journey at home?
- Try different music: Let your child explore different types of music. Create a playlist of different styles that they can listen to at home or in the car. Go to concerts, listen to different songs and talk about how they feel about the music and what they hear.
- Make music at home: Have music around your house. Despite what I hear many adults say, everyone CAN sing. It's about singing often and listening to music. There are so many benefits to singing simple nursery rhymes to children from a young age and even playing pots and pans or stamping to the beat.
- Get a good instrument: If your child really likes an instrument and you are looking to buy one, make sure you get a quality instrument. It doesn't mean it has to be the absolute best on the market, but a quality instrument helps their learning journey, and they can produce sound without too many issues. This means progress happens much faster.
- Practice together: Help your child make a routine of practicing. Encourage them, let them perform for you, celebrate small wins, and remind them that getting better takes time.
- Support performances: Encourage their involvement in performances. Show them that you are interested in what they're doing and you are proud of them.
Music in schools is like a magic key that opens learning, teamwork, and positive attitudes. As parents, you can be the cheer squad helps you child enjoy this magical journey of music. Let's make sure every child gets to feel the power of music in their lives!

Financial Statements have now been posted to all families which include the 2024 school fees.
Payments can be made in full or by an approved payment plan.
There are two options which you can choose to pay your school fees. You can make your payments by direct debit either weekly, fortnightly, monthly if full payment cannot be made at the beginning of the year. All families will be required to set up a direct debit to pay all fees in full before end of the calendar year.
If the entire annual fees are paid in full by 29th February 2024 there will be a 5% discount available on the total school fees. This is in recognition of the assistance advance payment gives to the school’s cash flow. This discount is unavailable for fees which are already receiving discounts other than Sibling Discount.
To be eligible for the lower income fee, you need to qualify as a low income family. This is determined by your family’s gross income and is a $ value set by the State Government.
Proof of income is required and applicants will need to apply via the State Government’s School Card scheme.
If you have any questions about applying for the lower income fee please contact Vickie Richardson.
Families not eligible for school card but are experiencing financial difficulty or may just fall outside of these income limits, are asked to contact Vickie Richardson to discuss their situation.
A Guide to NAPLAN at Emmaus Catholic School
As we approach the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) testing period, we want to provide you with essential information to ensure a smooth and stress-free experience for both students and parents.
What is NAPLAN?
NAPLAN is a nationwide assessment for students in Years 3, 5, 7, and 9, designed to evaluate their literacy and numeracy skills. The test provides valuable insights into a student's academic progress and helps identify areas that may require additional support.
Key Dates: Wednesday 13 March to Monday 25 March 2024.
Year 3
Writing - 40 min - Wednesday 13th of March (Paper format)
Reading - 45 min - Thursday 14th of March (Online)
Conventions of language - 45 min - Friday 15th of March (Online)
Numeracy - 45 min - Monday 18th of March (Online)
Year 5
Writing - 42 min - Wednesday 13th of March (Online)
Reading - 50 min - Thursday 14th of March (Online)
Conventions of language - 45 min - Friday 15th of March (Online)
Numeracy - 50 min - Monday 18th of March (Online)
How Can Families Prepare?
Maintain a Positive Attitude: Emphasise that NAPLAN is not about passing or failing but is an opportunity to showcase skills. Encourage a positive mindset to alleviate stress.
Regular Attendance: Ensure your child attends school regularly, especially during the testing period. Consistent attendance helps build routine and familiarity.
Adequate Rest and Nutrition: A well-rested and well-nourished student is better equipped to face challenges. Ensure your child gets enough sleep and eats a balanced breakfast on test days.
Encourage Reading and Numeracy Practice: Regular reading and numeracy exercises at home can boost confidence and reinforce key skills. Make learning enjoyable through games and activities.
Open Communication: Keep an open line of communication with your child's teacher. If you have any concerns or questions, don't hesitate to reach out.
How will Emmaus support your child?
We are committed to creating a supportive environment for our students during the NAPLAN testing period. Our teachers will be preparing students with relevant materials and strategies to help them feel confident and capable.
Should you have any specific concerns or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or Kate Thompson via the school office.
Thank you for your ongoing support as we work together to ensure a positive and successful NAPLAN experience for every student.
Here at Emmaus, we have multiple avenues for Parents and Guardians to report student absences or late arrivals:
- REPLY ONLY SMS: 0417 038 063 (reply text only - we will only receive your text if you reply to the message we send to you from this number. Direct messages to this number will not be received)
- Phone: 08 8322 7211 (leave a message on answering machine prior to 8.30am)
- Email: absent@emmaus.catholic.edu.au or information@emmaus.catholic.edu.au
If your child will be on extended leave from school, you must:
- complete the absenteeism form at the front office
Late Arrivals and Early Departures
All children are to be signed in/out via the iPad in the front office if they are late to school or leaving early by a parent or guardian.
If students are late to class they will be marked as absent and a text sent to parents if their late arrival has not been reported to the front office. You will receive a text from 0417 038 063. You can only send a text to this number if it is a reply. If you send a text to this number directly, we will not receive it.
Please ensure you contact the front office for any absenteeisms. With the hype of activities in the classrooms each mornings, it is not always possible for teachers to pass messages on to the office before 9am.

Please visit the link to the Emmaus Catholic School Uniform Policy - about-us/uniform
In line with our SunSmart policy, students are required to wear the Emmaus bucket hat during Terms 1, 3 and 4.
Students without a hat will be required to play under the shelter only at recess and lunch times.
Emmaus hats are available for purchase at Lowes, Colonnades. A small number of hats are available for sale in the Front Office for $21. Sizes small or medium.

Emmaus Catholic School offers Occasional Care (in the MacKillop Centre) during the school term on Wednesday and Friday afternoons from 12noon until 3pm.
[If your child attends Little Learners in Term 2 or Term 4, they can access Occasional Care from 11:35am with their Little Learners Educator transitioning them to the Occasional Care space.]
Any families wanting to access Occasional care need to register and complete an Occasional Care Enrolment form prior to their child attending Occasional Care.
All bookings are to be made weekly and may be regular or irregular depending on your need.
The service is accessible to children aged 3 to 5 years.
The cost is $20 per child for an afternoon session.
Each child will need to bring;
- A healthy lunch in a named container
- A piece of fruit (to be shared mid-afternoon)
- A water bottle
- A hat
- A change of clothes (in case of a toileting accident) and/or spare nappy/pull ups if not yet toilet trained
- A bag to carry the above items in
- Please ensure everything is named.
*PLEASE NOTE; Emmaus is a Nut Allergy Aware school so we would ask that you avoid sending your child with food containing nuts as there may be another child using the service who has a life-threatening nut allergy.
Emmaus Learning Nest
A typical afternoon session might include;
Play experiences (possible visit to Early Years playground and/or Nature Play space)
Healthy Lunch (brought from home in a named container)
Whole group story/song time (possible visit to Emmaus Library and/or Little Learners room)
Shared Fruit Snack (Each child to bring a piece of fruit to be shared)
Pack-up and whole group games/activities
The Kiss and Drop zone is the yellow marked area as you enter the carpark from Todd Street, that enables you to drop off and pick up your children safely and quickly.
The intention is that drivers do not wait in these zones and that you stay in the vehicle to ensure traffic is streamlined and traffic queues are minimized.
In reality, it only takes one or two inconsiderate drivers to overstay in the zone and the system breaks down, leading to frustration and delays.
Please familiarise yourself with our Kiss and Drop guidelines:
- Kiss and Drop zone is a NO PARKING zone. If your child is not ready and waiting for you, please continue to lap the carpark. Alternatively, park your vehicle in a carpark and wait. Please do not park in the kiss and drop zone to wait for your child as this builds up traffic on Todd Street where accidents have occurred. The aim of Kiss and Drop is for free flowing traffic.
- It is an expectation that drivers continue to the end of the kiss and drop zone, to allow room for others.
- For safety, it is recommended that students exit and enter the vehicle kerbside only. Children should have their schoolbags on their lap to ensure the driver does not need to exit the vehicle.
- Do not get out of your car.
- If you are required to get out of your vehicle to assist your child with their bag or seatbelt, please do not use Kiss and Drop. Park your vehicle so you can assist your child safely.
- Staff will be on Kiss and Drop duty to assist with free flow of traffic and child safety from 8.30am - 8.45am and 3.05pm - 3.25pm. Please ensure your child is collected by 3.25pm.
- Please use the pedestrian crossing when walking between the carpark and the Kiss and drop area.
- Please ensure you remain under the speed limit of 10km/h at all times.
Staff have been advised to remind all families to use the crossing correctly. If you choose not to use the crossing, you will be redirected by staff on duty. Please do not take this personally; it is their job to keep everyone safe.
Important Dates
Year 6 Caritas Fun Run
SAPSASA Swimming Trials
GRIP Student Leadership Conference
Year 6 Mass
P&F Special Lunch
School Hours

Grow Free Cart

Garden Club

Volunteers at Emmaus

Adult Community Education
