Enrichment @ Emmaus

Learning is at the core of what we do here at Emmaus. We believe that all students should be given the opportunity and have the right to learn to the best of their ability in a supportive and nurturing learning environment. Our classroom learning is centred around the latest research-based instruction with engaging learning opportunities and differentiated learning tasks relevant to the real world.

The Enrichment @ Emmaus Program provides learning experiences outside of the normal classroom and promotes a passion of lifelong learning. Some of these experiences are open to all learners in our community, whilst some are specifically for our Highly Abled Learners who are ready to take their learning well beyond their current year level. As a school, we identify Highly Abled Learners using classroom assessment and standardised testing, which may also include those students diagnosed with a giftedness diagnosis via an educational psychologist.

We aim to meet their needs offering programs that support and extend learners in their giftedness and specific domains of interest. Recognising that the education of Highly Abled Learners develops the whole person, encourages the pursuit for excellence and celebrates the gifts and capabilities of each learner. 

Enrichment @ Emmaus Programs

  • Bebras Challenge (open to all students Year 3-6)
  • Children’s University (open to all students Year 3-6)
  • Various Lunchtime Clubs eg. Dance, Art, Cards, Suduko, Sport (open to all students)
  • International Competitions and Assessments for Schools- ICAS (open to students Year 2-6)
  • Enrichment STEM groups (invitation only)
  • Enrichment Art (invitation only)
  • GATEWAYS Workshops (invitation only)
Chess Club